04 Oct It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism
Writer: Barnie Sanders
Senator Bernie Sanders in his book ‘It’s OK to be angry about capitalism’ depicts the discriminatory characteristics of capitalism that belongs in American society and obviously that stands against human kind. Senders addresses that limitless greed of the corporate companies to increase profit humiliates expectation of the common Americans for basic needs. Obviously, the corporate companies represent billionaire class of the society.
Former presidential candidate of America shows that three billionaire are richer than the fifty percent people of the society those who stays at the bottom of the society according the control of wealth. Also CEO’s earn 350 times more than the employees of the same organization. The existing system creates oligarch those who are threating for the democracy as they can even buy election and politicians and control media. Energy power is under control of the fossil fuel corporations those who are not interested to consider climate changes. Sanders also focused on the healthcare system and pharmaceuticals business that gained 90% profit in 2021.
True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence.
Therefore, Sanders expects that common Americans will ask questions against the existing system that will also create demand for economic and political change. Author proposes 60% tax on wealth of the 467 billionaires that they earned between 18 March 2020 and January 2021. He expects elimination of the billionaires to establish equity and social justice. Finally to say that this book may be interested one to those who are interested about political and economic system, social justice and equality.
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