09 Apr The Cold War: A New History
Writer: John Lewis Gaddis
Historian John Lewis Gaddis in his book ‘The Cold War’ presents an important period of history which starts with the Second World War and ends with the collapse of Soviet Union. To understand the cold war period is very important to know the world history of the second half of the previous century. Author John Lewis helps us to understand that vital period through this book. From this book reader will find how USA and USSR fought together as ally in Second World War and how they became enemy after the world war. At that period some serious situation was created in Cuba and some other parts of the world.
Stalin’s postwar goals were security for himself, his regime, his country, and his ideology, in precisely that order.
In 1950, communist block spread among large number of area. Stalin was very powerful leader at that time and Mao captured power in most populated country all over the world. Eastern Europe was under control of Soviet Union. And America was not only owner of nuclear weapon. So it was expected that economical and theoretic conflict will rise in next decades. Therefore, there was fear of uncertainty all over. But author showed that how fear of conflict ended with the collapse of Soviet Union at the ending decade of the century. Author provides a thrilling advancement and strategic situations that drove the era, enriched with key figures and many new insights into its most important events in his book. By reading this book a reader will not only come to know that how fear turned into hope but also become familiar with the crucial period of history that shook the whole world.
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